Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Back to America

We made it back to the States, where we are catching up with family and friends, and appreciating long missed foods like salad, fresh fruit, and smoothies. It's great to be back!

I posted photos on my balloon twisting website, www.globetwisting.com, with 5 mini albums of balloons in Mali. You can link directly to the Balloons in Mali page by clicking here. In particular, check out the last 3 mini-albums, which highlight Djenne, Dogon, and our last day in Kati --- all of those have spectacular balloon stories that we missed blogging about, because we didn't have internet access at that time.

We plan to post other photos of our adventures during this last week, as well as favorite photos that didn't make it to the blog. This might take a little while, because we have over 1,800 photos to sort through!

Thank you to everyone who's been following our blog. It seemed a little like we were just writing for our own enjoyment, so it's good to know that there were people actually reading along. I feel lucky to have such wonderful friends, family, and colleagues supporting me. It makes it easy to come home from this crazy adventure in Mali.


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